Client Announcement: The Release of GODS AND GLADIATORS by Jaye Shields


I am pleased and proud to announce the release of one of my client’s amazing new release – GODS AND GLADIATORS, an ancient world historical romance by Jaye Shields.

I was fortunate enough to be the editor of this wonderful story about Olympian gods playing games with humans in the Roman Coliseum.

If you love the ancient world, mythology, and romance then you must read GODS AND GLADIATORS by Jaye Shields. I watched this story grow and refine as I assisted her in editing but it was Jaye, and Jaye alone, that brought Ares and Eirana’s story to life.


When the Olympian Gods contest that the Romans aren’t nearly as mighty as they think they are, Ares, the God of War, is the first one to prove it by spending a month as a Roman. Ares arrives in Rome as a Gladiator, thrilled to have a human body in which to kick some ass. His first chance at Gladiator glory is to reenact the slaughter of the Sabines but when Ares spots a beautiful slave with eyes blazing with courage, he refuses to tear through the defenseless prisoners. 

Eirana of the Gauls is only one of hundreds of women taken as slaves by the Romans. Weaponless and starved for days, she’s forced into the coliseum to be symbolically massacred. She’s seen the infamous Gladiators in action enough to know there will be no mercy. But then something incredible happens, one Gladiator chooses to protect the defenseless women. He claims to be a God, but he bleeds just like a human. 

Eirana is the most incredible being Ares has ever seen. With only a month in the human realm, the God refuses to leave until knowing she is safe. But if he can conquer the Romans keeping her as a slave, will his heart still be able to let her go?

Available now for Kindle at Amazon.

About the Author:

Jaye Shields holds a degree in Anthropology from San Francisco State University with an emphasis in Jaye Shieldsarchaeology. Her previous claims to fame include being a bass player for a grunge band called the Hymens, being mistaken for Britney Spears while in Tokyo, and commercial model. She insists the commercial still counts even though her lines were cut.​

Born and raised in Seattle, she now lives in the realm of fog, skyscrapers, and redwood trees. Happy to call the SF Bay Area home, she spends her time writing sensual paranormal romance and urban fantasy. Thanks to her grandmother, she’s been reading romance novels since she was ten years old. Jaye sprinkles her love of history, mythology, and the occult into flaming hot reads.

Jaye is the author of the awesome Sex Demon Trilogy and the Immortals in Alameda. If you’d like to learn more about Jaye and her fabulous books, please feel free to visit her website and follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads.

Happy Reading and if don’t forget, I’m here if you need your manuscript polished until it shines. Happy Writing!


click cover for purchasing information


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